Super Junior ELF :D
TITLED: The Four Seasons Of Love Repost
TIMED: 9:30 AM
Hello, everyone! I'm back with another one-shot! This time, it's Clarissa and dun dun dun dun...Sungmin from Super Junior! Hence, it's dedicated to Clarissa~Please enjoy!*************************************************************************************
Sungmin(OMG SO CUTE)~
Different seasons mark changing times in a year. With each season, special gifts are brought with them.
With spring, the world will be once more filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and a gentle breeze. Wherever spring is, warmth and hope will follow.
With summer comes the full dazzling glare of the sun, coupled with heat that will make you want to sleep. Summer brings about heat and passion.
Autumn is mysterious yet melancholic at the same time. The colours of autumn form a painting palette, haphazardly yet beautifully painting out a wonderful masterpiece of a wide array of colours.
Winter embraces the world thoroughly with its wide arms, clothing the earth is a comforting, white blanket of snow. It is a season that is cold, yet joyous and festive simultaneously.
For Clarissa, each season brought about a new chapter to her love life...
The beauty of autumn lies in the fact that although skies are turning grey and the chilly winter wind is on the horizon, the gentle falling of leaves and richly coloured surroundings make up for it all.
"Thank goodness that's the last pile, my back is going to break if I have to rake up anymore leaves," Clarissa hissed under her breath as she dropped her rake on the floor with a loud crash and straightened her spine, which had been bending over for the past half an hour due to the fact that her mother had dictated her to rake up the falling leaves before her house's front porch was completely blanketed under them.
"Aish...I'm going to take a swig of water. That work was laborious! I hate autumn!" Clarissa muttered under her breath as she trudged back into her home wearily to hydrate herself.
As she exited her house again to keep the rake, her eyes fell on the pile of leaves she had painstakingly raked up just then...and a pile of children jumping on it.
"Yah! You little brats! I just raked up those leaves! What the freak are you doing?" Clarissa screeched, her eyes growing as wide as dinner plates. She dashed forward frantically, attempting in vain to yank the children back.
"Aww...she's back! We'd better run, run, run, run..." One of the boys stuck his tongue out at her and scrambled back to her nieghbour's house, the other children hot on his heels, giggling hysterically.
"Those stupid kids! Dang it, I have to redo it all over again! I REALLY HATE autumn!" She rolled her eyes in exasperation and cussed in a low tone.
Little did she know how soon she would take her words back.
With her hands firmly planted across her chest, she stomped right up to her neighbour's house, anger bumbling like a kettle of bot water on a fire beneath her seemingly cool exterior.
Pressing the doorbell with much unneeded force, she tapped her foot on the sidewalk impatiently. "This family is going to get it from me! After destroying my precious pile of leaves, they still have the cheek to make me wait for them! What a pain in the neck!"
Heavy panting could be heard from the other side of the door, and it was finally yanked open by a male with much force. Clarissa sucked in a deep breath and-
"FINALLY! IT'S ABOUT FREAKING TIME YOU OPENED THAT DAMNED DOOR! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR KIDS DID? THEY WENT TO JUMP ON THE PILE OF LEAVES I HAD RAKED UP WITH MUCH SWEAT, LETTING ALL MY HARD WORK AND EFFORT GO TO WASTE! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO RAKE THE LEAVES? AND YOU STILL DARE TO MAKE ME WAIT! WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THIS?" Clarissa shrieked in ascending tones of C-sharp, letting all her irritation and anger spill out all at once, like lava flowing mercilessly down a volcano. Taking a deep breath after making such a din, she threw an indifferent glance at the person who had opened the door. And her eyes snapped back.
In front of her, stood a male of around eighteen years old. His adorable, child-like face was framed with long, luscious, ash-brown locks which fell gently around his face. His perfectly oval-shaped face was desired by many, while his large, chocolate, baby doll-ish bright peepers had in them sprig of fresh cuteness and a bright spark. His nose was sharp and complemented his features like how black hides the plumpness of individuals. However, the most disarming thing about him was his beautiful smile. His lips full lips were tinted a soft cherry pink and looked eminently kissable. His teeth were all straight and white. The man's shy yet confused smile would appeal to even the coldest of hearts. There wasn't a single imperfection about him, not even a single blemish...
"M-miss, are you alright?" The male looked at Clarissa worriedly, concern evident in his eyes.
Clarissa, who had spaced out to drink in every detail of the handsome youngster, was brought back down to earth. "What?" she squawked, in shock.
"E-erm, you're ok now. Hello, nice to meet you. You see, these kids aren't my children, my mother just pleaded with me to look after them while she and the kids' parents go shopping..." Sungmin continued, his voice like pure, sweet honey.
Even his VOICE was music to her ears. "Snap out of it, Clarissa!" she instructed her brain firmly. She shook her head, trying to clear it. It was only until Sungmin rearranged his features into a baffled expression did she realise that she had said the last sentence out loud.
"O-oh, erm, it's ok, never mind ab-bout the l-leaves...Sorry for bothering you, I'll j-just g-go now!" Clarissa blurted out without much thinking and spun around, making a beeline for her own house. Face palming herself mentally, she sighed,"You just embarrassed yourself back there! Aish...such a cute guy too! Omo? What it this? Stop thinking about him!" Clarissa felt her cheeks burn and turn as red as a tomato.
"Ok..."Sungmin barely had time to register what the girl said in his mind before she ran away. Grinning to himself, Sungmin chuckled,"She's cute."
Snow cascades down from the heavens during the coldest season, transforming the whole place into a winter wonderland full of ice crystals and snow. The snow flakes that float down gently are mesmerising in their own right, for no two flakes are the same, just like no two couples will trod on identical paths of love.
"Clarissa~Come ski with us!" Clarissa's sister, Amanda, tried to drag her out of the lobby of the ski lodge and out to the slopes.
Slapping her hands away without much force, Clarissa hugged the cushion of the lobby's sofa and whined,"I don't want to. I don't like to ski, I'll just stay here and listen to songs on my iPod."
Throwing her hands up in defeat, Amanda declared,"Up to you," and stalked out of the lobby.
"Thanks, Jie." Clarissa arranged herself into a more comfortable position on the sofa and started listening to random songs on her iPod.
"The fire here is so warm, and the sofa is so comfortable, I just want to sleep," Clarissa yawned and closed her eyes. Pretty soon, she fell into deep, black nothingness, sleeping away on the couch.
"Sungmin, let's go back to our room now! I'm really tired!" A guy named Eunhyuk called out to his friend, Sungmin.
"Wait a while, I have to retrieve something from the sofa over at the lobby!" Sungmin shouted over his shoulder as he sprinted towards to the sofa.
When he got there, he found a girl around his age already claiming the sofa as her own. "Doesn't she look really familiar?" he wondered aloud, eyebrows arched. A sudden thought then flew into his mind, and the pieces of the puzzle finally fitted together.
*End Of Flashback*
He snorted to himself,"So it's her, the first girl to berate me, Lee Sungmin. Such a small world, isn't it?"
Sungmin bent down to take a proper look at her. He was instantly drawn towards her sleeping form. A sweet smile had settled on her face and she looked vulnerable yet indifferent to others' thinking.
"She must be dreaming of something good,"he mused, chortling at the cute image in front of him. Sungmin took off his coat and covered the sleeping girl with it. After writing a few words down on a notepad and taking what he needed, Sungmin turned to leave, but unexpectedly jogged back to Clarissa's side.
"Sleep tight, my feisty yet cool little chili..."Sungmin brushed a few strands of stray hair out of her face and leaned in. His lips gently brushed against her forehead...
When Clarissa woke up, the man was long gone. She cracked open one eye, then the other, only to see herself tucked in cosily under a coat.
"Some kind soul must have left this on me. I wonder how he or she expects me to pass it back to them?"
Just then, a hastily-scribbled note caught her attention. Leaning over to pick it up, it read,"Hi! Nice to meet you again, I'm Lee Sungmin. You can keep my coat, kekeke."
"Again? What does he mean?" Clarissa was bewildered. Sniffing the coat, she detected something which smelt distinctly like sweet strawberry shampoo.
Clarissa beamed. "Nice to meet you too, Strawberry Shampoo guy Lee Sungmin."
The blooming of flowers mark the start of the season of hope-Spring. Spring represents three things: rebirth, regrowth and renewal. When love and spring are placed together, it could mean the rebirth of a old love once slipped away, a regrowth of a relationship gone stale or a renewal of vows to love each other no matter what comes along. Or spring could let one hope, hope that the love of their life will be at the next corner...
"Clarissa Jie Jie! Let's play tag! You can catch me first!" Little Soo Min clamoured for attention.
Clarissa worked as a volunteer at an orphanage nearby to her house, and regularly brought some of the orphanage's children out to play, especially during the beautiful spring season.
"Fine, I'll count to ten while you find someplace to hide, ok? One, two, three, four, five..."Clarissa consented blithely and started counting, while Soo Min felicitously darted off into the middle of the enthralling field full of multi-coloured flowers, crouching down and concealing herself amongst the tall stalks.
"...Nine, ten! Time's up! I'm coming!" Clarissa proclaimed loudly and spun around on her heels. Her eyes flicked from left to right, trying to find her little charge, and spotted vivacious girl hiding amongst some tulips.
Beaming, Clarissa charged towards the girl's direction without thinking twice, but-
"Crash!" Clarissa's eyes widened as she it dawned on her that she was falling backwards onto the ground...while grabbing on to some random guy she had knocked into accidentally. The two crashed onto the ground, with the considerate male placing his hand under her head to prevent her head from being hit by the hard ground.
"Owww..."The guy winced as he rubbed his back, which had been hurt by the fall. He queried, concern evident in his tone,"You ok?"
"I..yeah..."It suddenly hit Clarissa that the male was on top of her, due to the fact that his palm was still under her head, and she sat up impetuously.
Unfortunately, as she was trying to sit upright, her forehead banged against the guy's. Hard.
"Ouch!" he squealed, clutching his forehead, face screwed up in a painful expression.
Massaging her own forehead, Clarissa apologised in a fluster,"I'm so sorry! I forgot that you were on top of me! Are you alright?"
Grabbing the hand which Clarissa had offered him, he spoke,"Yeah...I'm fine...OH MY SHISUS!"
Hearing his startled cry, Clarissa panicked. "What?"
"Argh! I'd been taking photos of the flowers the whole morning, but when you bumped into me, I accidentally pressed the wrong button and the film came out! Now all my precious pictures are destroyed!" The guy* wailed desperately, gaping at his camera and the ejected film, horrified that his hard work had come to naught.
*Please note that this "Guy" is Sungmin.
Clarissa's mouth dropped open in shock and mortification. Aish, why was she so careless?!
"Omo, I'm so sorry, I'll do anything to make up for it!" She gave a sincere, ninety degree bow.
"Hmm...pose with the flowers so I can take some more pictures to make up for those I had lost."
"You heard me. I want to take some pictures of you. Just go to some random flowers and pretend to smell them."
"Oh ok..."Clarissa was flabbergasted. Nevertheless, she plodded towards some dandelions. Holding them up to her face, she scrunched up her nose and pretended to take a great whiff of them. "Like this?"
"Yeah, you look really pretty..."The guy scratched his head and smiled bashfully as he blurted out that comment. Clarissa pretended to be indifferent, but inside, she was secretly elated.
"Say 'Dandelion'!" he raised his camera to his face and snapped a shot. Clarissa rolled her eyes but kept a 'dazzling' smile on her face.
After requesting a few more shots of her, he declared that he was done and bade Clarissa goodbye. Clarissa waved back, and then went back to 'capturing' Soo Min. The two left for the orphanage as Soo Min had to attend an art class.
*Sungmin's Point Of View*
She looks really familiar, did I see her before this? Hey wait, wasn't she the girl who yelled at me and slept at the lobby of the ski lodge? Yes, that's it! Aish...I can't believe I missed another chance at being her acquaintance! I have got to rush back!
I zoomed back like a shooting star, but the girl was no longer there. Another chance gone...Fate really likes to make a fool out of me! Cupid, help me!
Summer symbolises the prime of life. It is the emblem of happiness, of passion, of peace and of delight, for the warm gaze of the sun brightens the whole way up. Summer is the season when lovers bond the best-from jogging together in the dewy morning to taking in the salty sea breeze, there are countless things to do in summer. Perhaphs, summer also represents the best part of love-meeting your destined one and falling head over heels in love with them.
"Eh? How come there are no fireflies here tonight? Usually this place is full of them..." Clarissa muttered, perplexed. It was a glorious midsummer's night, and it was the best time to catch fireflies. However, on this particular night, the fireflies seemed to have evaporated into thin air, not a faintest clue of where they might have flew to left behind.
As she trudged through the field, taking care not to make a din, she kept her eyes glued to the ground. She didn't even take note of where she was heading, as the fireflies were of utmost importance in her mind.
Ever since she was six, Clarissa had been captivated by the world of fireflies like iron being attracted to magnets involuntarily. Every summer night, she went faithfully to the field just to catch a glimpse of fireflies to fufil her fantasy.
"Bump!" Clarissa had unwittingly knocked another man down. In the still darkness of the night, she could make out a figure grabbing on wildly onto a tree to prevent himself from falling down. The man steadied himself and shifted his attention back to her. His eyes squinted, but whether because of annoyance or curiosity, Clarissa didn't know.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!"
" again? Why do you knocking into me so much?" The male questioned, trying to stifle his laughter.
"Eh?" Clarissa was baffled. This guy sounded suspiciously familiar...
"You don't recognise me? We've met three times before this, two time when you were awake, once when you were asleep." He strode forward with an easy, loping grace, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Clarissa stared hard at him, racking her brains for an impression of him. The answer came to her abruptly.
"The good-looking guy at my neighbour's house...The name and the coat...The flowers and the photograph...Wait! You're Lee Sungmin aren't you?" Clarissa exclaimed, her astounded expression rearranged into an excited smile.
Sungmin laughed, his chuckle sounding like church bells. "Quite right, I am. Took you long enough though. I was beginning to despair whether we would cross paths again. I've wanted to ask you for a long time...What is your name?"
"I'm Clarissa...What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"
"Looking for fireflies. I've loved them since I was a young boy," he stated with good humour.
"Oh really? I'm searching for fireflies too! But there seems to be nary a firefly tonight..."
Sungmin smiled warmly, reaching out for Clarissa's hand. "Let me show you something special..."
"Where're we going?"
"To a firefly wonderland..."
Clarissa remained silent as Sungmin lead her to the other end of the filed where the river was. Clarissa had never ventured so deep in before.
Stopping without warning, Sungmin knelt down in front of Clarissa with his back facing her. "Get on,"he said simply.
"To get over to the other side, the only way is to step on the rocks. But the rocks are really dangerous to step on, so I'm going to piggy-back you there instead."
"Oh ok, thank you..."Clarissa thanked Sungmin softly. She wrapped her arms around Sungmin's neck, taking care to to grip on him too hard. Sungmin took hold of her legs and stood up slowly, for fear of alarming the girl on his back. Clarissa laid her head on his shoulder as he made his way cautiously to the meadow at the other side of the river.
Clarissa raised her head and accidentally took in the smell of Sungmin's hair. Strawberry shampoo...just like the sweet scent last time. Unexpectedly, her heart started to melt a little and her breath was caught in her throat...
"We're here!" Sungmin's sing-song voice penetrated through her mind, waking her up from her dream.
Clarissa shook her head to clear her thoughts and jumped down from Sungmin's back. Sungmin made a gesture for her to turn around. Clarissa shot a quizical look at him, only to whirl around and find-
A meadow full of bright green light emitted by fireflies! The fireflies flew around, surrounding the entire meadow, bathing the meadow in a gentle green glow. There was only one word to describe it-divine.
"It's splendid..."Clarissa breathed, staring in awe. Never had she seen so many fireflies before. Turning to Sungmin, she asked,"How did you find them?"
Sungmin shrugged. "I came across them a few months before, quite by accident. You see, I was exploring the place and got intrigued, so I made my way here. And voila! I discovered for myself a firefly wonerland. It's been my secret sanctuary ever since then, I...I hope it'll be yours too. Come on, let's chase the fireflies!"
Sungmin started to sprint forward, into the vast sea of fireflies. Noticing Clarissa still standing at her original spot, he jogged back to the girl and Clarissa found herself being led forward by Sungmin's hand.
"It's the second time he's held my hand today..."Clarissa felt her heart beating slightly faster and her cheeks were tinged pink. Her stomach was doing back flips and Clarissa felt light-headed, her spirits suddenly lifted.
Clarissa was confused; why was she behaving this way with Sungmin? She had never felt this way before. She took extra note of small, minute details, like the way Sungmin laughed, or how soft his hands were...What was this beautiful feeling?
Perhaphs that night, the fireflies had helped Clarissa and Sungmin light up the flame of their love...
With a gentle blow of the wind, autumn once again arrives on cue. This time, the season is a the of gathering-gathering of a pair made in heaven.
Sungmin stood at the sidewalk outside Clarissa's house, holding a remote-controlled toy aeroplane in his hands. Placing it on the ground, he attached a message on it and took in a deep breath as he began to fly it towards Clarissa's room...
"So, x=...What's happening?" Clarissa was studying when a toy aeroplane flew into her room. Eyeing it with great interest, she reached out and unfolded the paper attached to it, which read "Look outside your window. From, Sungmin."
"What's he up to this time round?" Clarissa peered outside her window and sucked in her breath sharply.
On her lawn, there was a message. What was so unique about it was that this message was made out of leaves. The leaves that had fallen from the trees were raked up to form block letters, which when stringed together, read,
"Dear Clarissa, I love the dimple in your cheek when you smile, I love your feisty attitude, I love your humour, and most importantly, I love your everything. Please be with me."
A pair of arms snaked themselves around Clarissa's waist as someone hugged her from behind. Breathing in the scent of her hair, Sungmin whispered into her ear,"Do you know I've loved you since the first time we met?"
"Sungmin! When did you sneak up here?" Clarissa was startled but was rejoicing in her heart.
Sungmin chose to maintain his silence. Instead, he held up an adorable firefly soft toy in his arms. It was a in a pale, aqua green. On it's stomach were the words Clarissa+Sungmin=True Love.
Sungmin raised his arm to press a button on the top of the firefly's head, and Sungmin's voice drfited out of it.
"Feisty Chili, do you know that I had been waiting for you for so long? Everytime we crossed paths, I didn't have the chance to ask for your name, until that midsummer's night. Cupid was cruel, but he brought us back together all the same. When I'm with you, my mind just goes blank and no matter what you do, I can't help but fall prey to your charm. I can only think of one person, I can only think of that person, and that person is you. So now, all I want to do is to proclaim my love for you to the whole world. I love you."
"Sungmin..."Clarissa was speechless. Tears glittered like crystals in her eye. It was then that she noticed Sungmin's fingers were covered with plasters. She realised Sungmin was the one who had sewed the firefly plushie specially just for her and pricked his fingers. Clarissa felt her heart ache and tears escaped from her eyes.
"What's wrong?" Sungmin was anxious; had he done something to upset her? Was he not good enough?
"You're too nice...You spent labourious hours raking the leaves to form block letters and pricked yourself trying to sew a soft toy for me..."
"Hey, please don't...It wasn't difficult, I'd do anything for you. Don't cry, please..." Sungmin could only think of one way to stop Clarissa's tears. That was to take a leaf out of the book of the male characters in diol dramas.
He turned Clarissa to face him. Leaning in, he closed his eyes and planted a kiss on her lips. Her lips were softer than he could ever imagine...
Clarissa was taken aback, but her heart soared. She didn't see fireworks, unlike the claims of some people, and neither did she feel a burning passion in her. What she felt was pure, simple love-the best and the most precious kind of love.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, she leaned on his shoulder and murmured the four words Sungmin had been yearning to hear. "I love you too."
~The End~
So, how did you guys find it? Personally, this is my favourite one-shot that I have written! I hope I've not disppointed anyone, especially Clarissa...Do leave comments! Thank you and God bless you!
Labels: Repost, Sungmin
Super Junior ELF :D
TITLED: What Has Happened To Us? Repost
TIMED: 9:28 AM
Hello! It's my comeback one-shot after the exams!Enjoy~
This is specially dedicated to Clarissa and Fangyi.
What Has Happened To Us?
Ryeowook"I cannot fathom what has happened to us,do wounds and hurt hide behind honesty?
I cannot guess what has happened to our love,
Will anything be revived after it rains?"
If there was anything to describe Kyuhyun's relationship with Ryeowook, it would be exactly these few sentences.
Once, the two had been inseparable-as though Ryeowook was Kyuhyun's shadow. Although Kyuhyun was the younger one, he was used to leading Ryeowook everywhere and anywhere. If Ryeowook was a kite flying freely in the sky, soaring over mountains, then Kyuhyun was the string attached to him, never letting go of his beloved for even one second.
But now, all that loved that the two once shared between them was now only a ghost of their past. No, Kyuhyun corrected himself, there wasn't even the faintest trace left. It had seemed that their relationship had evaporated suddenly, leaving in place only an awkward and cold-as-ice atmosphere.
"All because of Seunghyun..."Kyuhyun chewed his food glumly, never taking his eyes off Ryeowook who sat across him. The older male's eyes were downcast, but Kyuhyun could clearly notice the listlessness and unhappiness in them. His face was like a mask;it bore the same look of indifference and coldness that Ryeowook had donned on ever since the death of his elder brother Seunghyun one year ago. His mouth seemed to curve down in an eternal droop, but even this did not spoil the beauty of his face. However, while the Ryeowook one year ago would be a constant source of sunshine and warmth, this Ryeowook was like dry ice-seemingly cold yet burning simultaneously and woe betide any poor soul who dared to disrupt his dreaming yet troubled soul.
Yet, towards this new Ryeowook, Kyuhyun did not recoil in fear. In fact, all Kyuhyun felt was regret. Pure, simple regret. It was all his fault in the first place...If only he had trusted his instincts to not drive that night, Seunghyun might not have had to enter the gates of heaven. It was all his fault.
"I'm done." Kyuhyun's eyes snapped up and his mind was pulled back to reality when Ryeowook stood up and stated this plainly. He watched silently as the older male dragged his feet over to the kitchen, in his hand a plate full of leftover food that he had been pushing and poking at, rather than devouring it down.
Kyuhyun was grateful that Ryeowook decided to continue living with him even after the accident, though it was probably more of convenience than of willingness. This fact was blatantly yet painfully obvious; Ryeowook treated Kyuhyun like air, speaking to him only in short, sharp sentences filled with caution. Even when they spoke, Ryeowook didn't even look him in the eye.
"It's been a year already, how long is he going to keep this up?" Kyuhyun sighed, more in frustration than anger. No, he could never be angry at Ryeowook, even if he willed himself too. What right had he anyway? But Kyuhyun wanted to speak with his precious Wookie so much; he was dying for even a conversation with him. Just one teensy little chat...But it was more likely that Mr Tay would start fan-boying over Wonder Girls than Ryeowook would ever conscend to maintain on speaking terms with Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun bit his lip and made his way over to the kitchen, where Ryeowook was still washing the dishes.
"Ryeowook..." Kyuhyun blurted out. He saw a flash of panic cross over Ryeowook's cold face, only to be replaced with anger and indifference settled in yet again. Ryeowook bolted out of the kitchen as though Kyuhyun had attempted to whack his head with a frying pan. Kyuhyun watched him, heart sinking to the depths of the ocean. He leaghed bitterly,"Great, I'm so repulsive that he can't even stand being in the same room as me..."
Regardless of this, Kyuhyun still made up his mind to approach Ryeowook again. Knocking on Ryeowook's ajar door gently, Kyuhyun asked meekly,"May I come in?"
Ryeowook threw him a dirty look that plainly said,"If you're already standing at my door, you can just come in, but if you're wishing that I will be a nice guy like Elmo, you've probably watched too much Sesame Street."
Kyuhyun made his way to Ryeowook's side cautiously and sat down on the floor next to him. "Ryeowook..." he tried again.
"What?" the elder male snapped back, not too successful in concealing the irritation is his voice.
Ignoring that, Kyuhyun went on,"It's been a year already, please don't be like this anymore. I've really missed you a lot. Please talk to me..."
Ryeowook cut him off unmercifully,"At least I'm still here. What about Seunghyun? He's dead, and who's to blame for it? And you still dare to give me all this crap about missing me. You're a real hypocrite, Cho Kyuhyun!"
"I'm really sorry."
"Sorry? Will a simple 'sorry' bring Sunghyun back to life?" Ryeowook shrieked in derison, taunting Kyuhyun, his face contorted in s spasm of pain.
"I couldn't help it," Kyuhyun bowed his head, tears forming at the edge of his eyes. Oh, why was he so stupid to have thought Ryeowook would forgive him? Now, all he did was to dig up Ryeowook's old wound, scarring him once again.
Ryeowook could bear it no longer. Grabbing Kyuhyun up roughly by the collar, he spat into the younger male's face,"Not your fault? But who was the one behind the wheel of the car? If only you hadn't drunk before you drive, you wouldn't have crashed! Are you really that retarded? The government spends so much money to encourage people to not drink and drive, and yet you went ahead and did it anyway! And Seunghyun was innocent! You were the one driving, but he was a mere passenger in your car! And he died because you, an imcompetent nincompoop, drank liquor, drove and crashed into a tree! And you know what bugs me? It's the fact that he lost his life but you escaped with nary a scratch? Why is it such an unjust world? Why couldn't you have died instead? Why????!!!!" His voice was rising with every single sentence and by the time he ended his angry tirade, his voice was comparable to that of an opera singer. Ryeowook panted heavily and eyed Kyuhyun with hatred. He had suppressed his emotions for a year already, and it felt great to be able to release them finally. Cho Kyuhyun-Ryeowook could feel nothing but anger and hatred towards his former boyfriend.
While Ryeowook was fuming, Kyuhyun felt his heart being torn cruelly into a thousand pieces. Ryeowook's spiteful words dealt a hard blow to him. They were like a sharp knife, piercing through his heart and leaving an eternal scar there. "Do you really dislike me this much?" he asked, his voice quivering with hurt.
Ryeowook stopped short and threw him a sidelong glance before replying hardly,"No. I HATE you. Get out off my life."
"But..."Kyuhyun protested weakly.
"You heard me. Get out of here, get out of this house. NOW." Ryeowook threatened him menacingly, pointing a shaky finger towards the front door.
Kyuhyun, hoping to avoid aggravating Ryeowook any furthur, took the cue to leave. As he neared the door, he stopped and turned around. With eyes full of love and regret, he murmured,"I'm sorry."
Ryeowook heard the front door close shut gently. Rubbing his temples, he sank down on his bed and gritted his teeth together. "Kyuhyun's right, it's not his fault. It's my fault for dating him in the first place. If I didn't date him, he would not have driven Seunghyun back to our house...It's my fault.
Ryeowook heard his phone ringing. "Stupid Kyuhyun," he cursed. He ignored his ringing phone and just stared blankly up at the ceiling. "Seunghyun, I miss you so much. Why did you leave me? Why couldn't...couldn't Kyuhyun have went in your place instead?" A tear dropped out from the corner of Ryeowook's eye. Clenching his fist, he wished that Kyuhyun was here again, so that he could punch that guy.
His phone stopped ringing, only to start again less than ten secounds later. Damn that Cho Kyuhyun! An irate Ryeowook picked up the call and screamed,"Cho Kyuhyun, you idiot, stop calling! I don't want to hear from you ever again!" He slammed his phone shut, not forgetting to turn it off first.
Ryeowook left his room to get a glass of water. When he passsed by Kyuhyun's room, he felt a nagging urge to enter it. His legs defied his mind and stalked into Kyuhyun's room.
It had been a long time since he entered Kyuhyun's room. Nothing had changed. Ryeowook spied a small diary on Kyuhyun's table. "Urgh...No, don't touch it, even if he's my foe, I have no right to read his private thoughts..." Ryeowook muttered to himself. Yet once again, he found himself cautiously flipping open the pages of Kyuhyun's diary.
Inside, Kyuhyun had written about many of their times together. In spite of himself, Ryeowook smiled when he recollected some of their past shared moments. Then his eyes fell on a particular page.
It was the entry about the night Seunghyun died.
"Dear Diary, Seunghyun died today. I really depressed...It's all my fault! I remember that Seunghyun had asked me to meet him at a club. He drank a lot, but I didn't as I had to drive the both of us back together. However, I felt a little tipsy when I left the club. I brushed it off thoug, thinking it was a fainting spell. I think we were driving along a road when I crashed into a tree...but I can't recollect anything about it! I only remember waking up in a hospital and Ryeowook bawling that Seunghyun was dead. I must have been drunk...But I didn't drink anything! What happened? Oh wait...did Seunghyun slip something into my drink? But why would he? There's no other reason though...and when I returned from the toilet, I saw him pouring something into my drink, which he vehemently denied about. Why would he want to frame me? Why? I'm his brother's lover after all. Hey, wait up. Didn't Seunghyun just lose a promotion to me? After all, he was displeased when I got promoted instead of him? Is that it? Should I tell Ryeowook? I'd better not...I don't want him to destroy the perfect image he has of Seunghyun in his mind...Help! I'm so confused!"
Ryeowook slammed the diary shut. "So it WAS Seunghyun's fault...Not Kyuhyun's. I've been wrong about him all along! Oh no! Kyuhyun, I'm so sorry!"
Just then, their house phone rang. Ryeowook dashed out of the room and yanked the phone up, almost disconnecting the wire in the process. "Hello Kyuhyun, I'm sorry, I found out the truth!"
There was silence at the other end of the line, then a voice continued,"Is this the residence of Cho Kyuhyun?"
"Yes..." Ryeowook felt his heart lurch. He had a bad premonition about this.
"This is the police. We've found the body of Cho Kyuhyun. We think that he was killed in a robbery attempt..."
Ryeowook clutched at the phone. His whole body turned cold. "I b-beg y-you pardon?" he cried out, stuttering.
"He was found dead in an alley. He was stabbed in the heart and died due to loss of blood. His valuables were all taken away and he was found with a bouquet of purple hyacinths. We need you to come down and identify the body."
"I'll be there!" Ryeowook hung up and scurried out of the house hastily.
"Please, please let it not be Kyuhyun..." Ryeowook prayed fervently on the bus. He turned on his phone and saw that he had 4 missed calls. All were dialled by Kyuhyun.
"Ryeowook, I'm so sorry, it was my fault. Please forgive me. I-I love you."
The second call,"Ryeowook, I'm coming back from the florist. There's a man shadowing me...I'm scared. Are you still angry? Can I come up now? I'll only come up when you tell me to."
"R-ryeowook..." heavy panting was heard from the other end of the line,"That man...he's trying to rob me. May I come up now? I'm really sorry!"
"Ryeowook..." Kyuhyun's voice was weak and he coughed."I'm really sorry. I brought so much pain to you...You're right. I should have died instead. I'm really sorry...I don't think I'll survive this ordeal...that bastard stabbed me and ran off with my money. I'm really afraid I won't see you ever again...I want you to know, I'll always love you."
The all ended. A tear fell from Ryeowook's eyes. Then another. Then another. "Stupid Kyuhyun, I don't deserve your love, why are you so good to me?" By this time, Ryeowook was sobbing like an uncontrollable waterfall. Even when he was going to die...he still called me to tell me how much he loved me! Why was I so selfish? If I had picked up the call, he needn't have died! I'm sorry, Kyuhyun...
Ryeowook got off at the police station and he felt his heart pounding as he trailed after the police to identify the body. It was Kyuhyun. Ryeowook felt his heart skip a beat.
Kneeling down at the younger man's side, Ryeowook brushed his hair away gently and held his hand, only to find a bunch of purple hyacinths in it.
Purple hyacinths...the flowers whose language were "I'm sorry"...
He realised that there was a card attached to it. Flipping it open, he fount that Kyuhyun had written a message in his own blood," Dear Ryeowook, I'm so sorry. I love you. I don't think I'll survive. So before I die, I want to let you know how much you mean to me. I never blamed you for hating me...It was my fault. Please carry on with your life and forget me. I'm just a bastard who ruined your life. And Seunghyun's too. I'm sorry...I love you."
Ryeowook buried his head into Kyuhyun's chest, his dried up tears once again finding their way down his cheeks. Oblivious to the fact that the police officers were watching. Planting a kiss on Kyuhyun's forehead, he whispered,"I'm so sorry too...Please forgive me. I love you too."
The End
How did you guys find it? Hope you enjoyed it! The lyrics at the start of the fanfic are from S.H.E's 我们怎么了。 Thank you for reading! I love you guys.
Labels: Kyuwook, Repost
Super Junior ELF :D
TITLED: Blackforest Cake...And A Ring Repost
TIMED: 9:27 AM

Hello! This will be my second one-shot! Kyumin this time<3
This is for all of you guys, but a special shout out to Helen, because she was so encouraging about that failed one-shot of mine:DDD Thanks Helen!
And this is for Jeng Mun too, because if not for her, my blog would be even more screwed. She save the day. Like the powerpuff girls.:DDD Thanks JM!
Kyuhyun stood behind the counter, hands on the tabletop, pretending to stare straight ahead. In reality, he was watching a certain cute male customer at the corner of the cozy cafe with rapt interest, taking in his every detail: the man's adorable baby face, a pair of bright and shining eyes sparkling with happiness and a hint of childishness, a sweet, disarming smile and an earnest expression as the cute male tried to blow his coffee so that it would not be so hot. From his innocent, kawaii air to his lovable mannerisms, Kyuhyun loved it all. He chuckled with amusement as the male attempted to sip his coffee, then gagged as it was still boiling hot and put the cup down gingerly, his pink lips curved downwards into a pout. This guy was just SO cute. Kyuhyun sighed, resting his head on the counter top, a dreamy expression coming over his face.
Kyuhyun recalled that it was exactly two years ago that this man had stepped into this cafe, in the middle of winter, so as to escape the chilly air trying to eat its way into his bones outside. Ever since then, this man had been a regular patron at the "Yewook Cafe", coming at least once a week.
Ever since he first came in, Kyuhyun had been in love with this guy. However, he was too shy to approach the guy, in fear of the guy rejecting him. He felt he wasn't good enough for such an adorkable angel. Hence, he didn't even know his name.
"Ouch!" Kyuhyun received a sudden blow at the back of his head. Rubbing his head indignantly, he whirled around, only to find a smirking Yesung behind him.
"Yah! Yesung hyung! I know you're a freak, but this doesn't give you the right to whack people as and when you like!"
Yesung gave him another "pat" on the head, only this time it felt like someone had taken a badminton racket and whacked Kyuhyun's head. "Don't be rude to your boss, you shrimp!"
"Yesungie~Don't kill Kyuhyun! We are supposed to help him!" Ryeowook, the co-owner of the cafe and boyfriend of Yesung, rushed out from the kitchen and poked Yesung in the stomach. Yesung grimaced in pain and mumbled weakly," Yes, Wookie baby."
Ryeowook slung his arm around Kyuhyun's shoulders and swung him forward to face the customers. Kyuhyun threw a glance at Yesung, who immediately jumped into action, making slashing movements at this throat and mouthing, "You're dead." Yesung's nostrils were flared and his eyes had a crazy spark in them. Kyuhyun bit back a chuckle It was just so entertaining watching Yesung hop around all mad.
In order to antagonize Yesung furthur, Kyuhyun put his arms around his beloved Ryeowook hyung and pulled him closer. Kyuhyun could sear that he saw Yesung make a wild grab at his arm, only falling to the ground when he very spectacularly managed to trip over in thin air. They could hear Yesung faintly muttering some very colourful phrases, some in English, most in Korean. But Kyuhyun caught some words which rhymed with firetruck and witch and grinned to himself.
Ryeowook ignored his fuming boyfriend and turned to Kyuhyun, taking out a black forest cake. Kyuhyun was dumbfounded. He gaped at the cake, jaw dropping wide open.How was a black forest cake supposed to help him, whatever it was they wanted to help him with in the first place?
Seeing Kyuhyun's stunned expression, Ryeowook tut-tutted and explained," Well, Kyuhyunnie, the two of us know that you have been in love with that lovely customer over there for an extremely long time-"
"W-What? No! I'm not!" Kyuhyun cut in, trying in vain to defend himself. But it was a very fail attempt, as his blushing face and stuttering already gave him away.
Yesung joined in,"Come on, kiddo. Don't kid yourself. Even a wacko would have noticed you staring at Sungmin over there with your mouth open and saliva dripping down."
Kyuhyun lunged out at Yesung before stopping, mumbling dreamily,"Sungmin? His name is Sungmin? What a pretty name!" He clasped his hands together and gave an excited squeal.
Ryeowook laughed heartily,"See how lovesick you are, Kyuhyun. Anyway, you'd better confess to him, otherwise some other guy will snap him up and all that'll be left of you is a snivelling mess begging us to turn back time. Our plan is for you to take this little cake over to Sungmin and ask him to eat it. Simple as one two three. Young man, this is no ordinary cake. It can help solve all your problems." He ended with a very suspicious wink.
Kyuhyun snorted and asked scathingly,"What are you, Aladdin? Is this cake the lamp?"
Ryeowook answered flippantly,"Well, I don't know. But if you want darling Sungmin over there to go off with some other guy...All I can say is, I saw a pretty hot guy picking him up the last time he left here."
Kyuhyun was brought back to his senses and yanked the cake from Ryeowook frantically."Ok, ok, I'll do it! Sungminnie~You're mine!"
Without further ado, the hot blooded youngster sprinted over to his crush, as though a lawn mower was chasing him.
The Yewook couple was taken by surprise. After a few moments, Yesung shook his head and muttered,"Woah, that was quick."
Meanwhile, as Kyuhyun stood in front of Sungmin, he felt his whole face burning up. In fact, if you took a tomato and placed it next to his face, it could have been Kyuhyun's twin! This was a far contrast from the zealous guy he was when he left Ryeowook's side.
Sweating profusely, he blew his fringe out of his face and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "Well, here goes nothing..." he mumbled apprehensively and cleared his throat.
"H-hello, cu-customer Mr...oh no. I meant, Sungmin ssi. Erm...please try this cake with my compliments!" Kyuhyun gabbled off and thrust the cake almost into Sungmin's face.
"T-thank you..." Sungmin was startled and took the cake from Kyuhyun. When their hands touched, Kyuhyun felt electricity passing through them and relished that moment so much. "Thank you God! I love you God!" he screamed inwardly.
Sungmin took a bite out of the cake and smiled with delight. Blackforest! His favourite! This was so yummy! He licked his lips in happiness. Turning to Kyuhyun, he flashed him one of his brightest, most heart-melting smiles and gushed,"Thank you so much! This is so good!"
Kyuhyun could only smile and nod politely. In reality though, he was over the moon! "S-Sungmin just smile at me! YES! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, hey! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah ho! You are the one Cho Kyuhyun..." he sang truimphantly in his mind. He was so engrossed, he wans't pulled back to earth until Yesung suddenly called him on his mobile phone.
Groaning irritably, Kyuhyun grabbed it out feeling lesser than happy and whined,"Yesung hyung, you spoilsport! Why did you have to go disrupt my dream?"
Yesung growled back angrily,"You'll thank me soon enough. Look at your loverboy!"
Kyuhyun glanced at Sungmin seat and snapped,"He's fine-Eh, no, where is Sungmin?"
"On the floor you cokehead!"
Kyuhyun looked down, only to find Sungmin gasping and choking on the floor. He was pointing to his open mouth and wheezed,"Something...Stuck..." His eyes then bulged open in terror and he grabbed his choke, writhing in pain.
Kyuhyun's mind when blank in shock. Sungmin...His Sungmin! His mouth dropped open.
Then he instinctively pulled Sungmin to his feet gently and wrapped his arms round the older male's waist before bending him forward.
"Don't worry!" he tried to reassure Sungmin and unexpectedly, kissed his cheek. He felt a wave of ecstasy flow through him before reminding himself sternly, ok, this is no time for fantasies, Cho Kyuhyun. Save Sungmin first!
Cleching his fist, he placed his hands above the Sungmin's navel and thrust his hands backward into Sungmin's stomach with a hard, upward movement. Nothing came out of Sungmin's mouth, but his head crashed into Kyuhyun's face, which made Kyuhyun lose focus for a while.
Kyuhyun then repeated the action again. Although he knew it was an emergency, he still felt...exhilirated and light headed whenever he brought Sungmin's body close to him. As though he was the luckiest guy in the whole, wide world.
With one final thrust, something came flying out of Sungmin's mouth and Kyuhyun reached out to catch it. It felt like a ring.
Sungmin tore himself from Kyuhyun's grasp and tumbled on to the seat, gasping for breath. "T-thank you..."he breathed with difficulty, rubbing his chest and looking thoroughly relieved but exhausted. As he turned around, he gave an ear-piercing shriek.
"W-what happened?" Kyuhyun questioned, concern written all over his face.
Sungmin pointed at Kyuhyun's forehead with a shaky finger."Y-Your bleeding!"
"WHAT?" Kyuhyun was incredulous. He put a hand up to his forehead, only to find himself falling towards the ground...
All of a sudden, Yesung popped out from nowhere and caught Kyuhyun. Sungmin gave a start but breathed out when it realised it wasn't Pontianak. He got up clumsily and bit his lip as he followed an anxious Yesung as the latter dragged Kyuhyun to the worker's resting room at the back of the cafe.
Ryeowook and Sungmin hovered beside Yesung, biting their fingernails in worry. Sungmin offered quietly,"I'll dress his head for him." He then took the first aid kit from Yesung wordlessly and started attending to the unconscious Kyuhyun.
"Thank you then, we'll leave him in your care..." Yesung thanked Sungmin and pulled a bewildered Ryeowook out of the room.
As the door closed behind Yesung, Sungmin started to dab the antiseptic cream at Kyuhyun's injury gently. He then bandaged Kyuhyun's wound and blurted,"Kyuhyun...wake up soon please. I've always had a crush on you ever since I entered this 'Yewook' cafe two years ago...That's why I kept coming back. Oddly, I could never work up the courage to confess..." Sungmin caressed Kyuhyun's face lovingly and remembered how Kyuhyun had kissed him on the cheek. This caused his cheeks to have a red tinge to them as he looked down shyly.
Out of the blue, someone grabbed his hand. "Omo, Pontianak!" Sungmin screamed in ascending tones of C-sharp.
"Calm down, it's me, Kyuhyun," a familiar voice comforted him.
Sungmin looked up and saw Kyuhyun sitting up straight, their hands intertwined together. However, Kyuhyun's expression was a mix of incredulity, surprise and happiness.
Arching his eyebrow, he asked carefully,"Did you really mean everything that you just said?" In his heart, there was a glowing hope...
"Yes..." Sungmin whispered and started paying attention to the ground again.
"I...I've loved you ever since two years ago too..." Kyuhyun revealed breathlessly and kissed Sungmin once again...only this time, on the lips.
Sungmin was pleasantly surprised but returned the kiss, on cloud nine. For them, it seemed to be hours, no, several sunlit days before they broke apart.
Kyuhyun beamed down at the angel in his arms. Slipping the ring from earlier on onto Sungmin's finger, he kissed the latter's forehead. Sungmin wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun and breathed,"I love you, Kyuhyun..."
"I love you too, Sungmin..."
Meanwhile, outside the door, Yesung and Ryeowook hugged each other in glee, sniffing with happiness. "Yes...Yewook has succeeded!My baby Kyuhyun is attached now!"Ryeowook cooed. Yesung beamed graciously, but thought,"Well, that's great, then he won't molest my Ryeowook anymore."
The End
Haha, I was waaaay happier with this one shot! Hope you guys liked it! Leave a comment please~~~
Labels: Kyumin, Repost
Super Junior ELF :D
TITLED: ~Invisible Wings~ Repost
TIMED: 9:25 AM

This is dedicated to my Loony Helen, Sarcastic Aileen, Cold Clarissa, Wacky Jacelyn, Selfish Fang Yi, Fierce Serene, Childish Jaimelynne, Emo Kai Ting and Naggy Twin Jeng Mun(We have almost identical blog addresses. You suggested it. LOL). I love you guys. Saranghae~
"Each time, I become stronger in lonelinessEach time, although I'm hurt badly, I won't shed a tearBecause I know I have a pair of invisible wingsThat will let me fly, fly over my despair..."A beautiful singing voice penetrated his sleeping mind. That voice...was sweet and lilting, coupled with a gentle touch. It was indescribable. That perfect voice would put even Beethoven's loveliest melody to shame. Slowly, he cracked open one eye cautiously, and then the other. "Oh, you're awake!" the same cute voice exclaimed.He found himself staring into a pair of alluring eyes. Eyes that were a kaleidoscope of chocolate and light black, occasionally flecked with a soft lighter brown. The eyes were full of care and concern, giving him the feeling of falling into a warm bed after a tiring day of work. He wouldn't mind being in them forever. Those eyes...were so entrancing..."Er...hello? Are you still there?"He snapped out of his trance and found himself looking now not only at the other party's eyes, but his captivating face. There was no other word to describe him but angelic. The man's face, though small, had a strong square jawline. His cute-as-a-button nose and high cheekbones complemented his features perfectly. His rosebud-like mouth were curled into a small , adorable pout. Coupled with his short black hair gently framing his face, with his fringe swept to the side, this man was simply mesmerising."H-E-L-L-O?" The other man was now waving his arms frantically. "Are you possessed?""W-what? Oh, I just sp-spaced out for a while," the first man mumbled hastily in reply, averting his gaze shyly and blushing madly."It's ok. My name is Ryeowook. A few days ago, I found you outside my apartment's building. You were unconscious and badly beaten up, so I decided to take you in..after all, it WAS snowing, I couldn't leave you out there in the cold. And...I hope you don't mind, but I looked through your belongings to get an idea of who you are, but I only found this photo of you and a girl...Two names were scribbled behind it: Kyuhyun and Seohyun. I'm guessing that since Seohyun is a girl's name, you must be Kyuhyun, right? Unless you want to tell me you're a transsexual?" the guy named Ryeowook gave a shout of laughter at his joke, while Kyuhyun just frowned. His next words left Ryeowook dumbfounded."Really? I don't know...I-I can't remember..."Ryeowook blinked a few times, before stuttering in shock," W-Wha..what? What do you mean, you can't remember? Have you lost your memory?""I...Ah!" Kyuhyun scrunched up his face in concentration and tried to recall his memories, but he felt a sudden rush or pain course through his mind. The pain felt as though it was grabbing hold of his mind, pulling and pinching it. It got worse when he tried to press himself even harder, the pain now magnified ten times, as though there were strong currents of electricity passing through it. He let grabbed his mind and curled his body into a ball, before letting out a gasp of pain. In fact, it was so pain that he began to scratch himself while letting out moans."Hey, are you ok?" Ryeowook's voice got higher and higher as he hovered anxiously over the writhing Kyuhyun. He grabbed the other male's shoulders and shook him lightly. "Don't be like this...are you alright?" he whispered worriedly, tears gathering at his eyes. For some reason, he felt his heart breaking...maybe it was because Ryeowook hated to see anyone having to go through pain, after what he had suffered and lost. Or maybe it was because after taking care of Kyuhyun for these few days, he had unconsciously developed a strong affection for him. Whatever it was, Ryeowook instinctively enveloped Kyuhyun in a tight embrace, patting his back gently."I'm sorry, I really can't remember anything..." Kyuhyun's pained voice trailed off apologetically. He balled his fists. Why was he so useless? And in front of such a...beautiful person too....Ryeowook smiled sympathetically. He knew this...this feeling of uselessness and lost. "It's ok, you can stay with me as long as you want," he murmured encouragingly.Shaking his head resolutely, Kyuhyun refused," No, I can't trouble you anymore.""Hey, I'm a very lonely person too. You're going to pay for boarding with me by keeping me company. I'm so lonely. Come one~ Pity me and say you'll stay!" Ryeowook puffed out his cheeks and pleaded coyly. In spite of himself, Kyuhyun felt an urge to reach out and ruffle Ryeowook's hair. He looked like a chipmunk. A really cute one. "Ok...thank you for taking me in," he bowed his head gratefully and thanked the older male. Ryeowook beamed and clapped his hands like a child in a toy store, before reaching over to squeeze the life out of Kyuhyun and squealing in excitement. Kyuhyun only smiled wearily and hugged the younger man back. However, he was eternally grateful to this kind soul who took him in in spite of him being a total stranger. He might have been a wacko for all Ryeowook knew. However, Ryeowook still wanted to care for him. Surprisingly, he felt unexpected happiness flowing through him. This happiness...was like honey. Sweet, pure and unaldutured honey. And Kyuhyun wanted it to stay, just like he wanted Ryeowook never to leave him. He felt a close bond with Ryeowook immediately, though they had just met. He wanted to be Ryeowook's invisible wings, or whatever the heck he had been singing about. Kyuhyun just wanted to hold Ryeowook and let the latter dispel all his fear and insecurity.*4 months later*The days flew by, one by one, and the two of them grew closer and closer. However, Kyuhyun still had not regained his memory. But this mattered naught to them. All that was of concern was them having each other in the future. Kyuhyun noticed that occasionally, Ryeowook would sigh and knit his eyebrows together when he reckoned that no one noticed. He chose to keep quiet though, feeling it was none of his business. But on one particular chilly night, he awoke to the sound of Ryeowook sobbing in the room next to his. Stealing out of his room stealthily, Kyuhyun turned the doorknob of Ryeowook's room and entered. He found Ryeowook hiding under the blankets, and from the sound of it, absolutely sobbing his heart out. "Wookie, what's wrong?" he placed his hand on the lump that was Ryeowook's body and prodded the older male gently. "Nothing, Kyu...Go back to sleep," Ryeowook tried to command Kyuhyun, but the younger male yanked off his covers and squeezed in next to him. He then hugged Ryeowook, kissing the top of Ryeowook's forehead. "Something IS wrong...You can tell me anything. I'm your personal rubbish dump. Pour all your bad memories into me and I'll throw them into the incinerator!" Ryeowook gave a strangled sound, which sounded like a cross between a laugh and a sob. He sighed, melancholy creeping into his voice," My mother died giving birth to me, so my father had to bring me up painstakingly. However, when I was fifteen, he contracted cancer and died. The worst part was watching him suffer...yet I could do nothing about it. I wanted so much to change places with him...I felt so useless. I couldn't shield him from the pain. And today, I had another nightmare about him...dying. Kyuhyun, you won't leave me, will you? So many people have left my side already, I don't want you to be the next...Stay with me, please..." Kyuhyun hugged Ryeowook tighter and closed his eyes. " Don't worry, I'll never leave your side. Because you're an angel, and I shall be your invisible wings...I love you, Kim Ryeowook."Ryeowook nuzzled Kyuhyun's neck and intertwined their fingers. "I love you too, Kyuhyun..."Kyuhyun lowered his head down to place a soft kiss on Ryeowook's lips. He felt his heart pounding in nervous anticipation. When their lips touched, it was softer than anything Kyuhyun had imagined. Breathing in the scent of Ryeowook's hair, it was pure ecstasy. Major fireworks. Two souls combining into one...A sweet, passionate kiss full of longing. Deepening the kiss, he knew that there would be no other moment like this. He wanted to hold on to it tightly forever. As for Ryeowook, he felt electricity coursing through his veins. This was what he had been hoping for for so long...And it was even better than expected. This kiss...though simple, Ryeowook feel like the happiest guy on earth. And he relished every moment of it.*A month later*"Ding dong!""I'll get that, Wookie!" Kyuhyun called out as he rushed to the door. As he pulled the door open, he noticed it was a pretty girl standing outside it. Upon seeing Kyuhyun, she rushed into his arms, crying," Oh, Kyuhyun! It's been 5 months...are you alright? I missed you so much..."Kyuhyun pushed her away gently but firmly, stating," I'm sorry, miss, but I really don't know who you are.""I'm Seohyun...don't you remember? I'm your girlfriend. When my father found out we were dating five months ago, he was so angry that he got his men to beat you up. I couldn't contact you ever since then...It was only recently that I saw you again around this area and followed you here.""Hey, Kyu, who's that? Oh..." Ryeowook's voice trailed off as he heard Seohyun's explanation. He dashed to the door and sure enough, there was the pretty girl from the picture."Do you have proof?" Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows in skeptism.The girl rummaged through her bag and brought out her phone, showing the two men various pictues of her and Kyuhyun together."Kyuhyun, come back to me...I missed you so much..." Seohyun pleaded, tears cascading down her face like a waterfall."I..." Kyuhyun was at a loss of word as he looked from the sobbing Seohyun to Ryeowook, who was bravely attempting to rearrange his features into a smile.Ryeowook pushed his to Seohyun and said through tears," Go with her, Kyuhyunnie. After all, you belong with her, not me...You should return to your original life.""But..." Kyuhyun was in a dilemma. It would break his heart to leave Ryeowook, but what about the girl?"Go." This time, it sounded more of a command than a request. Kyuhyun had no choice but to pack his stuff and leave with the girl. Before he left, he threw a glance at his beloved Ryeowook, but the latter had already slammed the door shut in their faces. Kyuhyun could swear he hard an anguished cry of pain before it closed. *6 months later*Ryeowook was lying on the sand at the beach. He was at the edge of the water, where the currents could wash up to his knees. The water though cold, felt so comforting. And the fact that it was 11 at night helped, since there was no one around. Ryeowook finally felt at peace. However, there was still that gnawing pain in his heart. The pain that would come up whenever he thought of Kyuhyun. Those people who said that time would heal all wounds were liars. If that were true, how come Ryeowoon's heart still felt like it was being stabbed by a pointed blade everytime he thought of Kyuhyun? So many others had left him...Though Kyuhyun had promised, he still left at the end. Though it was more of Ryeowook's fault, since he was the one who chased Kyuhyun away. This didn't ease the pain though.Ryeowook thought of that song again:"Each time, I become stronger in lonelinessEach time, although I'm badly hurt, I won't shed a tear.Because I know I have a pair of invisible wingsThat will enable me to fly, fly over my despair..."Ryeowook gave a bitter laugh,"Since Kyuhyun is gone, do I still have invisible wings?"To his surprise, a familiar voice answered him," Your Kyuhyun was gone once, but he has come back..."Ryeowook whirled around in surpised. "K-Kyuhyun?" He didn't dare to believe his ears.He was rewarded with a giant bear hug as Kyuhyun took him into his arms. Burying his head into Ryeowook's hair, Kyuhyun apologised," I spent this half year trying to regain my memory...however, although I remembered everything, I still felt empty. Empty because I broke my promise to you. Empty because...I left my heart right here with you when I went back. So I'm here to get it back...and get you back. Mianhaeyo, Ryewook, please forgive me for leaving you. I'll never leave you again. I love you. Saranghae."The two lovebirds touched noses and kissed, once again. The kiss...was Kyuhyun's promise to Ryeowook, and something he intended to keep forever.The EndOmg, ok, that was REALLY freaking fail. Please give me comments to improve it! I still hope it makes Helen happier after her exams~ I love you guys! Urgh, this story sucks. I hate myself. Btw this was done like very quickly, as my dad was screaming at me to get off while I was writing. So that explains half the reason why this sucked so much. PLEASE. I KNOW IT SUCKS, SO LEAVE COMMENTS TELLING ME HOW TO IMPROVE, OK? THANKS:DDDD OMG RYEOWOOK AND KYUHYUN ARE LOVE MY KYUHYUNNIE~
Thanks everyone and saranghae~
Labels: Invisible Wings, Kyuwook, Repost