Annyeong everyone! Tonight, it's Yulsic's time to shine under the spotlight! Yulsic is my favourite girl-girl pairing! They have tons of chemistry and can't seem to keep their hands off each other:D Jessica is my favourite in SNSD(Gosh, whenever I see her, I hyperventilate and fangirl like mad, alkmost as bad as when I see Kyuhyun), while Kwon Yuri is my 2nd bias in SNSD! So the Yulsic royal couple is daebak for all girl couples ever! I love this couple so much! Yulsic hwaiting! Sorry, I know I promised a fanfic, but tonight I'm just going to do drabbles. Fanfic tomorrow, ok? Mianhae!
Disclaimer: The following drabbles are not related to each other in any way, they're all different.

My ice princess Jessica! Her beauty puts the loveliest Mediterranean sunset to shame~

Yulsic hugging:D
"Jessica, are you even listening?" Yuri, impatient, started waving her arms in front of the spaced-out Jessica to get her attention.
"Huh-What?" Jessica exclaimed in fright when she finally returned her wandering mind to reality and found Yuri peering at her as though she was inspecting a patient.
Pushing Yuri's face furthur away from hers, Jessica rested her left cheek on the cool marble of the coffee table and looked up at her best friend with puppy dog eyes.
"So, as I was saying, Yesung and I..."Yuri started to prattle off again, her eyes staring dreamily into the distance while she calsped her hands like an excited little girl.
At this point, Jessica's mouth slowly curled down into a frown and her heart growled inwardly in annoyance. Yesung, Yesung, Yesung! He seemd like all Yuri could talk about, think about and even dream about. Yoona had reported to her, amidst much giggles, that Yuri had started to talk in her sleep about her beloved Yesung. Jessica couldn't take it anymore!
Shutting Yuri's words out, Jessica shifted her attention from whatever Yuri was saying to Yuri's goddess-like features. The way her eyes sparkled with zest, her perfectly angular nose and her megawatt smile-Kwon Yuri was simply so entralling and endearing. There was no other way to put it.
Her heart clenched in pain as she realised how infatuated Yuri was with Yesung. She didn't hate Yesung, of course-he was a good brother to them. However, Jessica's heart felt as though it was being crushed with a hammer into fine dust; she knew that no matter what she did, Yuri would never see her in the same light as she saw Yuri in.
To Jessica, Yuri was her everything-the reason she breathed, the reason she lived, and the reason she loved. Ever since meeting Yuri during their days as trainees, Jessica's heart had already been caught by the too-attractive Yuri. Tehy had become close friends, almost too close for comfort. Jessica felt overjoyed and frustrated each time she and Yuri were together-she yearned to hold Yuri in her arms and confess, but she knew that their fans would fly off the handle if they ever found out. Not to mention the fact that Yuri seemed to have zero interest in her as a lover.
Jessica had tried dating other people and forgetting Yuri, but nothing worked. She even tried to avoid the latter, hoping that a furthur distance away from Yuri also meant a lesser longing for her, but the phrase "absence makes the heart founder" wasn't for nothing.
"Yuri, why can't you ever notice me?" Jessica wanted so badly to scream that line at Yuri, to confess whatever she had been holding inside her, but she was terrified of losing Yuri forever. "Kwon Yuri, you idiot, why are you so blind to my feelings for you? Loving you is so painful and tiring, I don't know how long I can hold on already!" Jessica screamed inwardly as she cast another glance at Yuri, who was still talking animatedly about Yesung.
"Jessica ah..."Yuri's voice suddenly softenhd as she reached out to hold Jessica's hand. Jessica felt a jolt of ecstasy run through her at their sudden contact. Her cheeks burned, while she felt dizzy with happiness.
"Yes?" She looked up at Yuri, her heart skipping a beat.
"You will bless Yesung and I, won't you? You are my best friend after all..." Yuri pleaded, her eyes expectant and earnest.
Jessica sighed as she felt her her own world crumbling down. This was what she had been afraid of. Tears pricked at her eyes. Her tone heavy, she uttered the biggest lie that she had ever concocted,"Yes, I think you and Yesung are a great match..."
Yuri beamed. Flinging her arms around her best friend, she squealed in happiness. Jessica's arms slowly found their way around Yuri, hugging her back apprehensively.
Closing her eyes, tears slipped out from under Jessica's closed lids. "Yuri, I love you but I can't say it out...Please be happy with Yesung..."
Snow was drifting down lazily from the sky towards the ground, covering the whole ground in white and bringing cold, harsh winds. The temperature outside was minus ten degrees Celcius, and it was already 10 o'clock at night. Everyone was in their houses, warming themselves up or enjoying supper. All except one person-Kwon Yuri.
Yuri sat at the edge of the beach, clothed in thick, woollen jackets and long pants. However, she still could not stop herself from shivering and her teeth from chattering madly. Rubbing her palms together, she desparately prayed for God to see that the weather was inhumanely cold. Even her fingertips had turned purple.
People who passed by whispered to one another that this girl had lost her marbles; it was freaking cold, what was she doing out here? None of them knew, though, of the precious person that Yuri had lost here exactly three years ago. That was why Yuri was waiting. She wanted to be the first to welcome her Jessica back with open arms, to embrace the girl fully and to taste her lips again.
"Yah, Kwon Yuri, how long are you going to keep this up?" A voice snapped angrily above her.
Looking up, she realised it was Taeyeon. Taeyeon held an umbrella above Yuri's head, shielding the poor girl from the snow, and sat down next to her lovely dongsaeng.
"Taenggoo..." Yuri whined and placed her head on Taeyeon's shoulder.
"Yuri...Jessica's not going to come back. She drowned here, in the middle of winter. Even if she had survived, she would have been frozen to death. Jessica is not with us anymore, you have to let go," Taeyeon stated gently as she pulled Yuri in for a hug. Taeyeon could feel Yuri's skin, which was cold-as-ice. Her body temperature also seemed abnormally cold. "Let's go in, ok?" she suggested tentatively.
Yuri shook her head fiercely. "Jessica WILL come back, she promised me that she would never leave me alone! I must wait for her!"
"Silly girl..."Taeyeon muttered as she stroked Yuri's head affectionately. Both of them soon fell asleep, having given in to fatigue.
Sunlight fought its way into Taeyeon's eyes rudely. Rubbing her eyes, Taeyeon looked at the sleeping figure of Yuri and grabbed her arm to pull her up. "Yuri-ah, it's morning already, let's g..."
Taeyeon's voice broke off the moment she felt Yuri's hand. Her forehead creased with concer, she knelt down and touched Yuri. Yuri's body was ununusally cold and stiff. "Yuri? YURI?" Taeyeon shouted out in panic, shaking Yuri frantically. Her mind was in a whirl and and she felt as though she was on a hot stove. Sweating, she took Yuri's wrist into hrs. No pulse. Yuri was...dead.
"Yuri!" Taeyeon shrieked hoarsely, tears streaming down her face. Wiping them away, she smiled with a hint of sadness and whispered,"I hope you'll find Jessica when you go up there..."
Yuri found herself floating in midair, surrounded by white nothingness. The only thing was a golden door in front of her. She looked around quizically; where was she?
"Yuri! You've come!" A pair of arms found their way around her from behind. Those arms...they were so familiar...
"Jessica?" Yuri beathed, hardly daring to believe it. Was it her long lost love? Turning around, she found the sweet face of Jessica gazing up at her.
"It's me..." Jessica pouted cutely as she rubbed noses with Yuri.
"Have I died?"
" died of the cold yesterday night...I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, Yuri."
"I'm dead now? Jessica, I've missed you so much! Please don't leave me again!" Yuri buried her head into Jessica's shoulder.
"I won't...and let's cross over to heaven together. From now on, Yuri, we can be together. For an eternity."
Yuri smiled gently as she bent down to kiss Jessica. Taking in the scent of Jessica's hair, she whispered,"I love you."
"I love you too, Yuri..."
The End
This turned out longer than what I thought! Ok, hope you guys enjoy it! This is my first time writing girl and girl, so I hope I didn't fail.:D Thank you!