I love Super Junior!
I heart Miss A and S.H.E too<3 If you don't like them, it's your business. Don't you dare leave any anti comments or I swear, you'll be as dead as the deepest fried pig you can ever find. I'll turn you into bak chor mee. Or bak kwa:DDDD So, don't mess with me. Especially not over Super Junior.
When you enter, you will hear music playing and see a music player. Actually, you can also watch the music videos of the songs. Do you see a small picture on the music player thingy? There's the word "video" on it. Just click and the word and voila! You can now watch the mvs. To return to the playlist to select which song you want, all you have to do is to click this small triangle at the bottom right hand of the video/music player. You can tell which is it, as when you hover your mouse over it, the words "show playlist" will appear. Leave a comment please. To get a list of all my enteries, please click on "Links" at the sidebar. Then scroll down. My posts are under the "Trackback" heading.
Thanks for stopping by<3 BEST VIEW IN FIREFOX
I heart Miss A and S.H.E too<3 If you don't like them, it's your business. Don't you dare leave any anti comments or I swear, you'll be as dead as the deepest fried pig you can ever find. I'll turn you into bak chor mee. Or bak kwa:DDDD So, don't mess with me. Especially not over Super Junior.
When you enter, you will hear music playing and see a music player. Actually, you can also watch the music videos of the songs. Do you see a small picture on the music player thingy? There's the word "video" on it. Just click and the word and voila! You can now watch the mvs. To return to the playlist to select which song you want, all you have to do is to click this small triangle at the bottom right hand of the video/music player. You can tell which is it, as when you hover your mouse over it, the words "show playlist" will appear. Leave a comment please. To get a list of all my enteries, please click on "Links" at the sidebar. Then scroll down. My posts are under the "Trackback" heading.
Thanks for stopping by<3 BEST VIEW IN FIREFOX